Monthly Flower Subscription
Our florist will create a unique arrangement on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. These flower will be delivered to the Portland area. We will contact you each month for your selected delivery date(s). Flowers will be seasonally chosen and can accompanied with a hand written calligraphy card.
Options for arrangements are 1 arrangement every month for $50 or 2 arrangements every month for $75. We can set up a custom subscription. Please email
Our florist will create a unique arrangement on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. These flower will be delivered to the Portland area. We will contact you each month for your selected delivery date(s). Flowers will be seasonally chosen and can accompanied with a hand written calligraphy card.
Options for arrangements are 1 arrangement every month for $50 or 2 arrangements every month for $75. We can set up a custom subscription. Please email
Our florist will create a unique arrangement on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. These flower will be delivered to the Portland area. We will contact you each month for your selected delivery date(s). Flowers will be seasonally chosen and can accompanied with a hand written calligraphy card.
Options for arrangements are 1 arrangement every month for $50 or 2 arrangements every month for $75. We can set up a custom subscription. Please email